Let’s be honest: the internet still hasn’t truly happened in dentistry. As much as we like to celebrate innovation, our industry is stuck in the past. More specifically, the tools and efficiencies the internet offers are mostly ignored in dentistry—we keep going back to our old habits.
We're still using outdated, server-based practice management software as our primary system. (By some estimates, over 50% of the industry!)
Security and privacy? Not exactly top of mind. Most Open Dental users still use—or rather, never bother to change—the default login credentials on their servers.
We hand over personal credit cards to team members to manage supply orders.
When we create passwords for online shopping, they’re so simple a five-year-old could guess them. (I wish I could share a few real examples, but… security.)
We rely on sales reps for pricing—texting or calling them like it’s 1998—and genuinely enjoy the "deal-making" process.
We’re still debating whether to offer health benefits to our teams.
We hire marketing agencies that promise all-in-one solutions, lead with “Doc, just focus on what you’re good at,” and then charge $20,000 for a website.
Oh, and we still answer the phone with a cheerful: “Dental office…”
Should I even bring up blockchain in dentistry?
I think that’s enough to make the point: as an industry, we haven’t adopted the tools the internet has made available to us. And why? Honestly, because there's no sense of urgency. Things are “working,” so why rock the boat?